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Department Profile: Economics


1. Department At a Glance

1 Name of Department Economics
2 Year of establishment 2001
3 Number of sanctioned post teachers 02
4 Number of vacant post of teachers --
5 Number of whole time teachers 03
6 Number of part-time teachers 02
7 Programmes offered by the Department B.A. in Economics
8 Add-oncourses offered by the Department 01
9 Number of students enrolled (2020-21) 20
10 Number of students passed(2020-21) 16
11 Number of Research Paper published in UGC approved journals 09
12 Number of Research Papers published in Proceedings volume 11
13 Number of Authored Books 03
14 Number of Edited Books 01
15 Number of Chapters in Edited Books 02
16 Awards and recognitions received by the teaching staff 05
17 Number of teaching staff having Ph.D. Guideship 02
18 Number of Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/ Workshops attended by teachers 80
19 Number of International Conferences/Seminars/ Symposia/Workshops attended by teachers 07
20 Number of Orientation Programmes/ Refresher Courses/Faculty Development Programmes attended 11
21 Number of Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/ Workshops organized by the Department 04
22 Number of Extension programmes organized by the Department 01
23 Number of Field Works/Study Tours conducted for students (June2016toMay2021) 02
24 Number of books in the Departmental Library 25
25 Number of computers in the Department 02
26 Printers available in the Department 01

2. Departmental Aims and Objectives &Vision and Mission

The department and the college have same Aims and Objectives &Vision and Mission:


“Imparting theoretical and applied knowledge of economics, researching socio-economic issues at regional and national levels for inclusive development.”


To prepare students to acquire applied knowledge of economics to enhance their employability and entrepreneurship.

To create self-reliant capable entrepreneurs, businessmen and progressive farmers.

To prepare the best students for advancement in agriculture, industry, trade as well as socio-economic fields.

Aims and Goals:

Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. In today’s growing modern society, where our needs are virtually more than our resources there is the need to effectively manage these limited resources. The department of Economics is here to train students intellectually to take up the challenge of ensuring even allocation of resources.

Students of Economics develop critical thinking skill which helps them to be creative in the economics field. Students become observant and give constructive criticism about national policies and government decisions that affect the national economy. The department instils the great desire for patriotism in the students that helps them implement policies that are best for the country at a particular point in time.

3. Perspective Plan of the Department of Five Years

(From 2018-19 to 2022-23)

• To introduce short term courses.
• To organize workshops and conferences.
• To develop MoU and linkages.
• To boost research activities.
• To integrate ICT in teaching and learning process.
• To run awareness programmes.

4. Teacher Profile

SR.NO. Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation Experience Nature of Appointment
1 Dr. M. G. Sadamate M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D Head & Associate Professor 19 Years Permanent
2 Dr. P. B. Lad M. A., B. Ed., Ph. D Assistant Professor 25 Years Permanent

5. Student Profile

(From 2018-19 to 2022-23)

No. Of Enrolled Students
2021-2022 18
2020-2021 20
2019-2020 12
2018-2019 12
2017-2018 14
2016-2017 25

6. Programmes for Advanced Learners and Slow Learners

Class For slow learners/Advanced Learners
1 Remedial Coaching B.A. I
For slow learners
2 Group Discussion B.A. I
For Advanced Learners
3 Seminars by Students B.A. I
For Advanced Learners
4 Library Visits B.A. I
For both
5 Study Tours B.A. I
For both
6 Workshops and Seminars B.A. I
For both
7 Bridge Course/Induction Programme B.A. I
For both
8 Guest/Expert Lecture B.A. I
For both
9 Certificate Course (Basic Cource in Agri Business) B.A. I
For both
10 Unit Test/ Surprise Test/ Open Book Test B.A. I
For both
11 Computer Lab B.A. I
For both
12 Research Paper Presentation B.A. I
Advanced Learners

7. Student Centric Methods

SR.NO. Methods Activity
1 Experiential Learning 1. Research Projects
2. Research Paper Presentation
3. PPT
4. YouTube Video Lectures
5. Study Tours
2 Participative Learning 1. Seminars by students
2. Film Festivals
3. Expert lectures
4. Workshops
3 Problem Solving 1. Study Quiz
2. Surprise Tests
3. Home Assignments

8. Use ICT Enabled Tools for Teaching and Learning

SR.NO. Name of the Teacher ICT Tools E–resources and Apps
1 Dr. M. G. Sadamate 1.LCD Projector
2.Computer Lab
4. Laptop
5.USB drive
1. Zoom Meetings
2.Google Classroom
3. Whats app
4. Google forms
5. X-recorder
6. E-mails
7. Educational Websites
8. N-lists
9. PPT
2 Dr. P. B. Lad 1.LCD Projector
2.Computer Lab
4. Laptop
5.USB drive
1. Zoom Meetings
2.Google Classroom
3. Whats app
4. Google forms
5. X-recorder
6. E-mails
7. Educational Websites
8. N-lists
9. PPT

9. Digital Learning Resources

SR.NO. Digital Resource Numbers
1 Computers With Internet Connectivity 02
2 LED Projector 01
3 Webcam 02
4 Laptopes (Personal) 02
5 Personal Mobail 02

10. Programme and Course Outcomes

Programme Specific Outcome

• Bachelor of Arts in Economics

1. B. A. Economics course seeks to provide students with useful insights into the current economic status and structure of the Indian economy, major sectors and their relative importance in the Indian economy.
2.To create awareness about the functioning of cooperative societies in rural and urban areas.
3.To know the various concept of micro and macroeconomics, theories of growth and development, sectoral aspects of development, domestic policies.
4.To know the concept of financial planning, problems in development planning and financial planning in India.
5.Student can be Analyses the financial behaviour of individual companies and markets.
6.To develop knowledge of students can comprehensive manner with the analysis of consumer behaviour, demand and supply, types of markets, production theory and various aspects of revenue and expenditure behaviour theories.
7. Students can knowledge basic concept and economics of research methodology, how to write a research report, thesis and research proposal.
8. Neo-classical and Indian economic thought. Students can know the contribution of Indian economic thinkers and understand the basic economic ideas of various economic thinkers of the world.
9. To has useful for students’ recent changes in India's, export import policies and to expose to competition from a strategic perspective in the current global scenario.
10. B. A. Economics course has become relatively more relevant a better knowledge for students.

Course Outcomes

B. A. I Economics (CBCS Pattern) Semester I Indian Economy - I

This paper intends to acquaint the students with various dimensions of, as also the challenges, confronting the Indian economy. It endeavours to provide useful insights to the students about the present economic standing and composition of the Indian economy, the major sectors and their relative importance in the Indian economy and the major challenges faced by it.

1.To introduce the students to the Indian economy.
2.To develop an understanding of challenges facing the Indian economy.
3.To acquaint the students with Structure of the Indian economy and Changes Taking Place there in

Indian Economy - II

This paper intends to acquaint the students with various dimensions of, as also the challenges, confronting the Indian economy. Its endeavours to provide useful insights to the students about the present economic standing and composition of the Indian economy, the major sectors and their relative importance in the Indian economy and the major challenges faced by it

1. To acquaint the students with the policies and performance of major sectors in Indian Economy.
2.To explain the economic reforms introduced in India since 1991.

B. A. II Economics (CBCS Pattern) Semester III

Principles of Co-operation Course – I GE (IDS)

The objective of this paper is to create awareness about the working of co-operatives in Rural and Urban area. The Co-operative movement has been considered as the third important sector in the economy followed by private and public sector. The principles of co-operation and the values of the co-operative institutions need to be studied in Indian context.

Macro Economics -I (Paper-III) (Sem-III)

The purpose of teaching this paper is to introduce the basic primary and analytically important concepts, theories and policies in the working of the economy to the learners. It attempts to enable the students to apply various concepts in the process of policy making, planning of measures to ensure and achieve the fundamental objectives of macroeconomic policy.

Money and Banking Paper No. - IV

To create the awareness among the students and Job Prospects in Banks and Financial Sector. Clear understanding of the operation of banks and financial institutions to the students with practical inputs.

B. A. II Economics (CBCS Pattern) Semester IV


The objective of this paper is to create awareness about the working of co-operatives on Rural and Urban area. The Co-operative movement has been considered as the third important sector in the economy followed by private and public sector. The principles of cooperation and the values of the co-operative institutions need to be studied in Indian Context.

Macro Economics - II (Paper-V)

Macro Economics is aggregative economics which examines the interrelations among the various aggregates. Macro Economics is not only scientific method of analyses, but also a body of empirical economic knowledge. This paper equips the students to understand the basic theoretical framework underling in the field of macroeconomics

Banks and Financial Markets Paper No. - VI

To create the awareness among the students and Job Prospects in Banks and Financial Sector. Clear understanding of the operation of banks and financial institutions to the students with practical inputs.

B. A. III Economics (CBCS Pattern) (Semester V)

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Explain what economics is and explain why it is important
• Understand consumer decision making and consumer behaviour
• Define the concept of utility and satisfaction
• Derive revenue and cost figures as well as curves
• Understand producer decision making and producer behaviour

Economics of Development (Elective Course- 8) DSE – E - 72

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Identify the dimensions of development
• Distinguish the fundamental and contemporary development debate
• Know the theories of economic development
• Realise the role of state in economic development

International Economics- I (Elective Course- 9) DSE – E 73

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Explain international trade
• Understand the measurement of gains from international trade
• Distinguish different rates of exchange

Research Methodology in Economics- I (Elective Course- 10) DSE – E 74

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Get acquainted with the basic concepts of research and its methodologies.
• Select and define appropriate research problem and parameters.

History of Economic Thoughts- I (Elective Course- 11) DSE – E 75

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Understand the basic economic ideas of various economic thinkers of the world
• Understand the development of economic thought

B. A. III Economics (CBCS Pattern) (Semester VI)

Principles of Micro Economics- II (Elective Course- 12) DSE E 196

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Identify the market structure
• Analyse the economic behaviour of individual firms and markets
• Analyse a firm’s profit maximising strategies under different market conditions.
• Understand the factor pricing.

Economics of Planning (Elective Course- 13) DSE – E 197

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Get acquainted with economic planning and its importance in development
• Get acquainted with development of planning and planning machinery in India.
• Evaluate sectoral performance of the Indian economy.
• Compare and analyse Indian models of economic development.

International Economics- II (Elective Course- 14) DSE – E 198

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payments
• Analyse the balance of payments
• Understand the various types of foreign capital.
• Analyse the impact of international institutions on Indian economy.

Research Methodology in Economics- II (Elective Course- 15) DSE – E - 199

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Understand the sampling techniques as a method of data collection
• Use techniques of data analysis in research.
• Write a research report and thesis.
• Write a research proposal (grants).

History of Economic Thoughts- II (Elective Course- 16) DSE – E 200

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Understand the economic concepts and theories of Neo-Classical and Indian thinkers.
• Understand the development of economic thoughts

11. Exam Results

Year No. of Student Enrolled No. of Students
appeared in the Exam
No. of Students
Passed in the Exam
Pass Percentage
2021-22 18 18 13 72%
2020-21 20 20 16 80%
2019-20 12 12 10 83.33%
2018-19 12 12 12 100%
2017-18 14 14 13 92.80%
2016-17 25 23 23 100%

12. Research Profile of the Department

(From 2016-2017 to 2020-2021)

SR.NO. Name of the Faculty Research Papers published in UGC approved Journals Research papers published in Peer reviewed Journals/ Chapters in books Books Research Project
1 Dr. M. G. Sadamate 11 11 -- --
2 Dr. P. B. Lad 02 01 03 --

13. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Conducted

(From 2016-2017 to 2021-2022)

Year Name of the Workshop/ Seminar/ Conference Number of Participants Date From To
2019-20 Current socio-economic problems of Indian economy 38 31-01-2020
2018-19 One day stse level seminar on Union Budget 2019 92 05-09-2021
2017-18 Two days Annual conference of Shivaji University Economics Association SUEK 47 06/01/2022 & 06/01/2022
2016-17 One day seminar on Union Budget 2016 66 04/03/2016

14. Extension activities

Sr.No. Year Name of the Activity No. of Participants
1 2020-21 Covid-19 Online Awareness Program 1072

15. Awards and Recognitions Won By Faculty

Name of the Faculty Name of the activity Name of the Award/ recognition for the Institution Name of the Awarding Government/ Government Bodies Year of Award
-- -- -- -- --

16. Collaborations/Linkages and MoUs

Organization with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU Duration
Shivaji University Economics Association (SUEK) Department of Economics 2017-18 1 years

17. Placement of Outgoing Students

(From 2016-17 To 2020-21)

Year Name of student placed and contact details Name of the employer with contact details Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum)
2016-17 Shinde Suhas Krishnath ICICI Kargani Branch 190000/-
2016-17 Patil Shivali Prakash Teacher Vita --
2016-17 Mali Snehal Shahaji CRPF Delhi --
2016-17 Kolekar Rohit Laxman Kirloskar bradthors Limited --
2016-17 Gavade Dipak Popat Clark School Kundal --
2015-16 Jadhav Vishal Bharat Satu office Clark --
2015-16 Hirugde Vijay Sanjay Co-op Society Clark --

18. Students Progressing to Higher Education

(From 2016-17 To 2020-21)

Year Name of the Student enrolling into higher education Name of institution joined Name of Programme admitted to
2021-23 Lad Aniket Vilas ASC College Palus M. A
2021-22 Ghadge Archana Vijay K B P College Islampur M. A
2020-21 Lad Jayraj Shankar ASC College Palus M. A
2018-19 Devkate Vikas Datta K B P College Islampur M. A
2017-18 Yadav Jagannath Chandrakant K B P College Islampur M. A
2017-18 Koli Akshay Mahadev K B P College Islampur M. A
2016-17 Thorbole Kajal Prakash Balawant College Vita M. A
2016-17 Pawar Shivanjali Subhash Balawant College Vita M. A
2016-17 Patil Shivali Prakash Balawant College Vita M. A
2016-17 Mahind Pranali Dhanaji Balawant College Vita M. A
2016-17 Madane Komal Tanaji K B P College Islampur M. A
2016-17 Kolekar Rohit Laxman Balawant College Vita M. A

19. Awards/Medals/Scholarships by Students Won

Sr. No Year Name of the Student Details

20. Prominent Alumni of the Department

Sr.No. Name of the Alumni
Position Held
1 Nivas sudham Mohite Karanti Sugar
2 Sudhir Dattu Mohite Clark, DCC Bank
3 Vinod Pandurang Mohite Teacher
4 Nishigandha Prakash Bansode Assistant professor
5 Hirugde Vijay Sanjay Clark Co-op Society
6 Jadhav Vishal Bharat Clark, Satu office
7 Gavade Dipak Popat Clark, School Kundal
8 Kolekar Rohit Laxman Clark, Kirloskar bradthors Limited
9 Mali Snehal Shahaji CRPF Delhi
10 Patil Shivali Prakash Assistant professor
11 Shinde Suhas Krishnath Clark, ICICI Kargani Branch

21. SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Challenges) Analysis

   • Well qualified and Research oriented teaching staff.
   • Good number of publications in reputed journals.

   • No Post graduate programme.
   • Students from vernacular background.

  • To start MA post graduation program .
   • To introduce more add on courses.

   • Good number of enrollment.
   • To bridge the gap between Slow Learners and Advanced Learners.

22.Perspective Plan of the department

• To introduce more short term courses.

• To start departmental library.

• To organize more workshops and conferences.

© Krantiagrani Dr. G. D. Bapu Lad Mahavidyalaya, Kundal
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