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Department Profile:History


1. Department At a Glance

1 Name of Department History
2 Year of establishment 2001
3 Number of sanctioned post teachers 03
4 Number of vacant post of teachers -
5 Number of whole time teachers 1
6 Number of part-time teachers 2
7 Programmes offered by the Department B.A. in History
8 Add-oncourses offered by the Department 01
9 Number of students enrolled (2020-21) 12
10 Number of students passed(2020-21) 11
11 Number of Research Paper published in UGC approved journals 09
12 Number of Research Papers published in Proceedings volume 11
13 Number of Authored Books 01
14 Number of Edited Books 00
15 Number of Chapters in Edited Books 01
16 Awards and recognitions received by the teaching staff 00
17 Number of teaching staff having Ph.D. Guideship 00
18 Number of Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/ Workshops attended by teachers 10
19 Number of International Conferences/Seminars/ Symposia/Workshops attended by teachers 03
20 Number of Orientation Programmes/ Refresher Courses/Faculty Development Programmes attended 02
21 Number of Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/ Workshops organized by the Department 02
22 Number of Extension programmes organized by the Department 03
23 Number of Field Works/Study Tours conducted for students (June2016toMay2021) 03
24 Number of books in the Departmental Library 57
25 Number of computers in the Department 02
26 Printers available in the Department 00

2. Departmental Aims and Objectives &Vision and Mission

The department and the college have same Aims and Objectives &Vision and Mission:


“Committed to provide value based quality higher education and harness inherent potentials in the rural students to develop human resource equipped with contemporary skills to enable them to be self reliant and contribute to nation building.”


The Mission of Gandhi Education Society, Kundal and college is same, that is “Swawalamban,Swabhaiman,Swadeshprem Hech Amache Brid”.(Self-reliance,SelfRespect,Patriotismis our Motto.)

Aims and Goals:

According to vision and mission the college has set following aims and goals:

• To cater the needs of quality higher education of the socially and economically backward rural students and make them self reliant and competent to face the challenges of the fast changing world.

• To create an awareness about value based and quality higher education among the students.

• To facilitate and support teaching and learning by developing and maintaining educational infrastructure.

• To provide Distance Education for the educationally deprived students in Kundal and nearby villages.

• To strive for excellence in higher education through quality teaching and encouragement for research.

3. Perspective Plan of the Department of Five Years

(From 2018-19 to 2022-23)

• To introduce short term courses.
• To organize workshops and conferences.
• To develop MoU and linkages.
• To boost research activities.
• To integrate ICT in teaching and learning process.
• To run awareness programmes.

4. Teacher Profile

SR.NO. Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation Experience Nature of Appointment
1 Prof. Dr. Vivekanand Rajaram Mane M.A., SET, Ph.D. Professor 21 years Permanent
2 Mr. Shivaji Yashawant Yamagar M.A., D.ed. SET Assistant Professor 02 Years Temporary C.H.B.
3 Mr. Shrikant Siddappa Kurane M.A., B.Ed. SET Assistant Professor 08 Years Temporary C.H.B.

5. Student Profile

No. of enrolled Students
2021-2022 13
2020-2021 17
2019-2020 11
2018-2019 10
2017-2018 11
2016-2017 15

6. Programmes for Advanced Learners and Slow Learners

Class For slow learners/Advanced Learners
1 Remedial Coaching B.A. I
For slow learners
2 Group Discussion B.A. III For Advanced Learners
3 Seminars by Students B.A. III For Advanced Learners
4 Library Visits B. Com.III For both
5 Study Tours B. Com.III For both
6 Film Festival B.A. I
For both
7 Workshops and Seminars B.A. I
For both
8 Bridge Course/ Induction Programme B.A. I For both
9 Guest/Expert Lecture B.A. I
For both
10 Certificate Course in TALLY 09 B.A. I
For both
11 Unit Test/ Surprise Test/ Open Book Test B.A. I
For both
12 Research Paper Presentation B.A. III For Advanced Learners

7. Student Centric Methods

SR.NO. Methods Activity
1 Experiential Learning 1. Research Projects
2. Research Paper Presentation
3. PPT
4. YouTube Video Lectures
5. Study Tours
6. Google Classroom
2 Participative Learning 1. Seminars by students
2. Film Festivals
3. Expert lectures
4. Workshops
5. Industrial / Educational Visits
3 Problem Solving 1. Study Quiz
2. Surprise Tests
3. Home Assignments

8. Use ICT Enabled Tools for Teaching and Learning

SR.NO. Name of the Teacher ICT Tools E–resources and Apps
1 Prof. Dr. V. R. Mane 1.LCD Projector
2.Language Lab
3.Smart phone
4. Laptop
5. A/V Clips
6.USB drive
1. Zoom Meetings
2.Google Classroom
3. Whats app
4. Google forms
5. X-recorder
6. E-mails
7. Educational Websites
8. N-lists
9. PPT
2 Mr. S. Y. Yamagar 1.LCD Projector
2.Language Lab
3.Smart phone
4. Laptop
5. A/V Clips
6.USB drive
1. Zoom Meetings
2.Google Classroom
3. Whats app
4. Google forms
5. X-recorder
6. E-mails
7. Educational Websites
8. N-lists
9. PPT
3 Mr. S. S. Kurane 1.LCD Projector
2.Language Lab
3.Smart phone
4. Laptop
5. A/V Clips
6.USB drive
1. Zoom Meetings
2.Google Classroom
3. Whats app
4. Google forms
5. X-recorder
6. E-mails
7. Educational Websites
8. N-lists
9. PPT

9. Digital Learning Resources

SR.NO. Digital Resource Numbers
1 Computers With Internet Connectivity 02
2 LED Projector 01
3 Sound System 00
4 Webcam 00
5 Laptops(personal) 01

10. Programme and Course Outcomes

Programme Specific Outcome

1. Develop interest in historical study to concern today’s our life.
2. Develop the comprehensive ability.
3. Inculcate moral and human values within themselves.
4. Get information about Human history and culture and development of civilization.
5. Make special use of historical data and factual information.
6. Create an analytic and critical tempore.

Course Outcomes


1. Paper I Rise of the Maratha Power (1600-1707)

1. The course will explore the origins, Power under the leadership under Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and his successors Sambhaji and Queen Tarabai.

2. Paper II Polity, Society and Economy under the Marathas (1600-1707)

Introduce the students to the important factual history of state policy and socio-economic conditions in the Marathas times.



1) Understand the beginnings and growth of nationalist consciousness in Maharashtra.
2) Explain the contribution of Maharashtra to the national movement.
3) Give an account of various movements of the peasants, workers, women and backward classes.
4) Know the background and events which led to the formation of separate state of Maharashtra.


1) Acquaint himself with significant events leading to establishment of the rule of East India Company.
2) Know the colonial policy adopted by the company to consolidate its rule in India.
3)Understand the structural changes initiated by colonial rule in Indian economy.
4)Explain the various revolts against rule of the East India Company.


1) Acquaint himself with significant events leading to establishment of the rule of East India Company.
2) Know the colonial policy adopted by the company to consolidate its rule in India.
3) Understand the structural changes initiated by colonial rule in Indian economy.
4) Explain the various revolts against rule of the East India Company.


1)Acquaint himself with the contribution of eminent leaders of Maharashtra
2) Know about the economic transformation of Maharashtra.
3)Understand the salient features of changes in society.
4)Explain the growth of education.
5) Understand the events which lead to the growth of nationalism in India.
6) Acquaint himself with major events of the freedom struggle under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.
7) Explain the contribution of Revolutionaries, Left Movement and Indian National Army.
8)Know the concept of Communalism and the causes and effects of the partition of India.

B.A. Part -III

Semester –V, Course VII DSE E-61
Paper VII : Early India (from beginning to 4th c. BC)

1) Understand the transition of humans in India from Hunters to Farmers.
2) Explain the transition from Early to Later Vedic period.
3) Clarify the causes for the first and second urbanizations.
4) Give an account of the teachings of Gautama Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira.
5) Describe the rise and growth of the Mauryan Empire.
6) Explain the salient features of Ashoka’s Dhamma.

B.A. Part III Semester V, Course No: VIII DSE E-62 History of Medieval India (1206-1526 AD )

1) Describe the different types of historical sources available for writing the history of medieval India.
2) Explain the contributions of medieval rulers like Allaudin Khilji, Muhammad-bin- Tuqhlaq, Krishnadevraya, and Mahmud Gavan.
3) Give an account of the administration and economy of the Delhi sultanate and
4) Elucidate the significant developments which took place in religion, society and culture.

B.A. Part III Semester V, Course No: IX DSE E-63 Age of Revolutions

1) Explain the causes and consequences of the Reformation.
2) Give an account of the role played by Martin Luther.
3) Explain the salient features of the Industrial revolution.
4) Given an account of the American revolution.
5) Explain the causes, effects and major events of French Revolution.
6) Explain the role of major leaders of the French Revolution.

B.A. Part – III Semester V, Course No. X DSE E-64 Political History of the Marathas

1) Describe the political conditions of the Marathas upto the year 1740.
2) Explain the role of Balaji Bajirao.
3) Explain the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat.
4) Understand the political condition of the Marathas after 1761.
5) Critically analyze the causes for the decline of Maratha power.

B.A. Part III: Semester V, Course No. XI DSE E-65 History: Its Theory

1) Know about the various sources for writing Medieval Indian history.
2) Know the process of acquiring historical data.
3) Explain the process of presenting and writing history.
4) Understand the methods of writing history.

B.A. Part III Semester VI, Course No. XII DSE E-186 Ancient India (From 4th c. BC to 7th c. AD)

1) Know the political ,economic and religious developments which took place in early historic India.
2) Explain the role played by Major Satavahana, Kushana, Gupta and Vakataka Kings.
3) Give an account of the developments in the Post-Gupta period Post-Gupta period.
4) Have an informed opinion about the society and culture of Ancient India.

B.A. Part III Semester VI, Course No. XIII DSE E-187 History of Medieval India ( 1526-1707 AD )

1) Know about the various sources for writing Medieval Indian history.
2) Explain the role of rulers like Babar, Akbar, Chandbibi and Ibrahim Adilshah II.
3) Gain knowledge about the administrative and revenue system.
4) Describe the condition of Industry and trade.
5) Explain important developments in religion, society and culture.

B.A. Part III Semester VI , Course No: XIV. DSE E-188 Making of the Modern World (16th to 19th Century)

1) Know the causes and consequences of the Glorious revolution in England
2) Explain the concept of Nationalism and account for its rise and spread.
3) Describe the unification of Italy and Germany.
4) Give an account of the rise, growth and impact of Imperialism
5) Explain the significance of the Partition of Africa.
6) Know the life and thoughts of important leaders like Metternich, Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln.

B.A. Part III Semester VI, Course No. XV DSE E-189 Polity, Economy and Society under the Marathas

1) Know the various sources for writing the history of the Marathas.
2) Explain the significant developments in the polity of the Marathas.
3) Describe the economic conditions.
4) Explain the social conditions.

B.A. Part III Semester VI , Course No. XVI DSE E-190 Methods and Applications of History

1) Understand the nature of archival sources.
2) Gain conceptual clarity about recent trends in history.
3) Know about the application of history in museums.
4) Explain the concept and scope of heritage tourism.

11. Exam Results

Year No. of Students
appeared in the Exam
No. of Students
Passed in the Exam
Pass Percentage
2021-2022 13 12 92.30%
2020-2021 12 11 91.66%
2019-2020 08 07 87.5%
2018-2019 11 09 81.81%
2017-2018 10 08 80%
2016-2017 12 08 66.66%

12. Research Profile of the Department

(From 2016-2017 to 2020-2021)

SR.NO. Name of the Faculty Research Papers published in UGC approved Journals Research papers published in Peer reviewed Journals/ Chapters in books Books Research Project
1 Prof. (Dr) Vivekanand Rajaram Mane -- 31 01 01
2 Mr. Shivaji Yashawant Yamagar -- -- -- --
3 Mr. Shrikant Siddappa Kurane -- 01 -- 00

13. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Conducted

(From 2016-2017 to 2021-2022)

Year Name of the Workshop/ Seminar/ Conference Number of Participants Date From To
2018-19 Laghunatika Prashiksha 18 10/02/2019
2018-19 Opportunities in Tourism 43 10-02-2019

14. Extension activities

Sr.No. Year Name of the Activity No. of Participants
-- -- -- --

15. Awards and Recognitions Won By Faculty

Name of the Faculty Name of the activity Name of the Award/ recognition for the Institution Name of the Awarding Government/ Government Bodies Year of Award
-- -- -- -- --

16. Collaborations/Linkages and MoUs

Organization with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU Duration
Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Ramanandnagar Department of History 2019-20 5 years
Shivaji University History Conference Shivaji University History Conference 2022-23 5 years

17. Placement of Outgoing Students

(From 2016-17 To 2020-21)

Year Name of student placed and contact details Name of the employer with contact details Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum)
2019-20 Patil Aashish Baban Mumbai Police Maharashtra 250000/-
2018-19 Kolekar Swapnil Haridas Post Office Government of India 180000/-

18. Students Progressing to Higher Education

(From 2016-17 To 2020-21)

Year Name of the Student enrolling into higher education Name of institution joined Name of Programme admitted to
2020-2021 Jadhav Sanchita Sunil Shivaji Uni. Kolhapur MA (History)
2020-2021 Hoval Rohit Ramesh ACS College, Palus MA (History)
2020-2021 Pawar Abhijit Mukundrao Bharti Uni. Kolhapur MSW
2019-2020 Jadhav Snehal Shantaram ACS College, Ramanadnagar MA (History)
2019-2020 Lad Vishwajit Hanmant ACS College, Ramanadnagar MA (History)
2019-2020 Mahind Rushikesh Sanjay Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Islampur MA (History)
2019-2020 Patil Ashish Baban New Law College, Sangli LAW
2019-2020 Lokare Vrushabh Vikas Adarsh College Study Centre, Badalapur MCJ
2018-2019 Dhas Vinayak Anil ACS College, Ramanadnagar MA- History
2018-2019 Kolekar swapnil Haridas K B P College Islampur MA- History
2018-2019 Nikam Vidya Sambhaji Venkateshwara Institute of Management, Peth MBA
2016-2017 Bhise Amruta Dilip K B P College Islampur MA- History
2016-2017 Mulla Suhel Ansar K B P College Islampur MA- History

19. Awards/Medals/Scholarships by Students Won

Sr. No Year Name of the Student Details
1 2019-20 Kare Abhijit Madhukar Silver, Wrestling Zonal- University
2 2019-20 Madane Sani Satish Silver, Wrestling Zonal- University
3 2019-20 Gujale Atul Jeevan Bronze , Wrestling Zonal-University
4 2019-20 Pawar Bharat Sanjay Bronze , Wrestling Zonal-University
5 2019-20 Salunkhe Nikhil Popat Bronze , Athletic Javelin thro Zonal-University
6 2019-20 Kadam Omakar manasing Gold Boxing Zonal-University
7 2017-18 Madane Omakar Satish Gold Wrestling Zonal-University
8 2017-18 Madane Omakar Satish Bronze Wrestling Zonal-University
9 2016-17 Mulla Suhel Ansar District Level Youth Festival
10 2016-17 Solwande Rupali Hindurao District Level Youth Festival

20. Prominent Alumni of the Department

Sr.No. Name of the Alumni
Position Held
1 Lad Avinash Laxman Administrative Officer, Kranti Sugar
2 Lad Arun Tanaji Laboure Officer, Sangli
3 Phase Bharati Vasudev High school Teacher, Shendhugre
4 Lad Shital Subrao High school Teacher,Kundal
5 Lad Sachin Sambhaji Superwiser, Kranti Sugar
6 Pawar Sadhana Police constable, Mumbai
7 Patil Dipak Ramesh Police constable, Chinchani ambak
8 Edake Sunil Appa Laboure Officer, Kranti Sugar
9 Lad Udya Ramachandra Store kipper , Kranti Sugar
10 Lad Vikas Dadaso Industrilist Kundal
11 Lad Dipak Vasant Advocate, Palus
12 Shinde Rahul Ganesh High school Teacher, Kundal
13 Salunkhe Santosh Sanbhaaji Teacher, Malan Tai Yadav English Medium School Ramapur.
14 Gaikwad Vikram Madhukakar Clerk, Sugar Factory
15 Ghorpade Satish Krishnarao Clerk, Bharati Vidyapith Pune
16 Pujari Dipak Laxman Clerk, Bharati Vidyapith Pune
17 Mahid Suhas Bapurao High school Teacher
18 Pawar Babaso Rajaram Secretary, Academic High School

21. SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Challenges) Analysis

   • Well qualified and Research oriented teaching staff
   • Good number of publications in reputed journals
   • Healthy relationship between the faculties and the students.
   • Appreciable participation of students in the extracurricular activities.

   • No Post graduate programme
   • Students are inferior to interact a during subject discussion in marathi
   • Students from vernacular background
   • Lack of awareness towards Education

  • To start MA as well as Research Center in history
   •Initiatives may be taken for promotion of Local research among the students.
   • Efforts may be taken to develop the subject interest among the students.

   • Good number of enrollment
   • To bridge the gap between Slow Learners and Advanced Learners
   • Semester pattern system

22.Perspective Plan of the department

• To introduce more short term courses.

• To enhance Mentoring System.

• To start research center.

• To organize more workshops and conferences

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